Creating an Email Signature Click To Call Service.
I recently set up a tutorial and demo for a Click To Call Email Service
One of my first missions at Voxbone since I started was to set up a Click To Call Service to be used internally. I thought everyone could benefit from it as it was extremely easy to set up with the tools I used, so I set up a tutorial. In that tutorial I show how I created a Click To Call button that can be placed in my email signature for anyone to call me.
This app uses the power of Voxbone's WebRTC javascript library, a Voxbone phone number, and JS Sip. It's a functioning app so if you end up calling me, be nice!
A lot of great things can be done with WebRTC and this kind of hack is only the beginning of a great journey! I took a lot of pleasure using Voxbone's WebRTC solution and, using the Voxbone demo, I was able to get up and running in minutes!
Here is a screenshot of the app I built that is available as a demo here:
Hopefully, I'll get to build more complex apps using WebRTC and Voxbone's phone numbers and be a part of this communication revolution!
Happy hacking!